Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fabulous Kennedy

The following is a TRUE story. Not one bit of it is pretend. It’s not make believe but it is a beautiful tale. Some may even call it a Fairy Tale. Not because it didn’t happen, because it most certainly did, but because it is about a remarkable, glorious, fascinating child that leaves a trail of sunshine and sparkles everywhere she goes. Her beauty cannot be matched because it comes from the deepest part of her heart. It shows itself in every little thing she does. Her kind words, her generous spirit, her love for others, her passion for life, and her heart for God are contagious. They spill onto every person fortunate enough to cross her path. She is very special indeed and this is her story, her true story...

Exactly 10 years ago, to this very day, a mommy and a daddy were at a hospital waiting for their baby to arrive. They had been there for hours and they were both exhausted. All they wanted to do was see their little girl and hold her in their arms. The anticipation was too much! Fireworks and Starbursts were going off in their chests! Finally, after 14 hours of labor, it was time. The moment everyone had been waiting for... the arrival of a princess. As soon as they saw her they fell head over heels. She was the most beautiful child anyone had ever seen. Mommy, Daddy, Ama, Aunt Angie and Aunt Rodlyn were admiring her when suddenly Ama shouted, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it! I’ve got the perfect name!” “What is it?”, they asked. “Baby Ruth!” she said with what looked like tears of Almond Joy in her eyes. After a long awkward pause that seemed to drag on for years, someone broke the silence with Snickers and cheers. This babies name had been chosen long before, it was a name that was perfect for the little SweeTart, Kennedy Shayne had stolen their hearts. That very same day while in her mommy’s arms, she purred like a Kit Kat playing with yarn. A baby that purrs is funny indeed. Laffy Taffy your head off... somebody please!

As sweet as she was 10 years ago today, that Kennedy girl grew more precious each day. Her beauty inside matched her beauty without. She had billions of Layers worth talking about. She was kind, smart, funny, and sweet. Her very favorite thing was getting a treat! She would give away toys without thinking twice, this was a girl who redefined “nice”.

Our Fairy Tale started just 10 years ago. A beautiful daughter, they watched gracefully grow. It’s gone Extra fast for her mom and her dad, in a blink of an eye they’ll be attending her grad. Then soon after that her Prince will arrive, pull out a Ring and make her his wife. He’ll have to be special to win that girls hand. He’ll have to love Jesus and be a real man. He’ll have to respect her and win over her mom. If he can do that, then that boy is the bomb! Then several years later, they’ll have kids of their own. A beautiful daughter that could be her clone! They’ll hold her, and change her, and give her a Bottle. They’ll laugh when her walk looks more like a waddle.

But for now let’s remember that she’s still only 10. A beautiful child with a beautiful grin. Full of sweets from so many treats, after reading this story she must brush her teeth. I’m really not joking, I hate to rush, but for your final prize I got you a Tooth Brush.

That’s the end of our story... or at least so far...

Happy Birthday to Kennedy, my shining star!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Open House

I'm sitting in a very clean house right now. I mean eat off the floors, drink out of the toilets, invite your mother-in-law over kind of clean. (OK... I may have gotten a little over zealous with the toilet comment but it is VERY clean.) Not one thing out of place. Carpets are vacuumed, tile is mopped, bathrooms have been scrubbed, glass has been shined, furniture polished, drawers, cupboards, refrigerators, closets, everything... spotless! Every light in the house is on. Every TV in the house is off. Mood music is playing. There is even a crystal platter with cookies and cream puffs in the kitchen sitting right next to the ice water with lemon & lime slices floating in it. No kids anywhere and definitely no dog!

As you probably guessed by the title, we are having an Open House today. Have you ever had one? It's definitely an experience. You clean like a crazy person for weeks. Your main goal is to erase any evidence of people actually living in the house. You pack away toys, kids, dogs, and absolutely all of the clutter. And when it's 'go time', you allow strangers to roam around and peek in all of your closets. You pretend like it's just a regular day and you always keep things this immaculate. You point out impressive features and hope that they are so overwhelmed with the awesomeness of it all that they will throw truckloads of money at you and beg to move in right away. It's actually quite exciting.

And then... when it's all over with, you get to hang out in your super clean house and you remember why you fell in love with it in the first place. It's been restored to it's original condition. It's original beauty. You look around and it's perfect. No socks on the floor, no backpacks on the table, no toys on the stairs, no fingerprints on the windows, no beds un-made, no dirty dishes, no crumbs on the ground. But as lovely and as clean and as perfectly manicured as it is.... it's also very empty, and quiet, and kind of sad. No kids laughing, no dog barking, no baby jabbering. No life.

Keeping house isn't easy. I try to stay on top of things but I often fall short. It's amazing how quickly 4 little humans can un-do hours of housework. All they really have to do is walk in the door. If one of them is lost, I just follow the trails of toys, shoes, socks, and sometimes even food until I find them. And when things have completely gotten away from me...when we've crossed the line from "messy" and gone straight to "disaster"... that's when someone decides to 'pop' over and pay us a visit. Why is that? Why can't anyone pop over on a day like today, when my house looks perfect?

I've been told by my "empty nest" friends to savor these moments. To enjoy the mess and the chaos because soon it will be gone. I know they're right. I'm not ready for that yet. Time goes much too quickly and in a flash a tiny toddler turns into a teenager. It makes me sad to imagine my life as an empty nester. I know there will be a super clean house, quiet time with my amazing husband, and probably even daily naps... but it still makes me sad. In fact, if I think about it for too long, I could sink right into depression. That's why God gave me Kenzington. He knew I'd need a little extra time.

So if you happen to "pop in" on me someday and my house is a disaster.... yes, initially I'll be horrified and embarrassed and I'll definitely blame the children but then I'll remember that although this season I find myself in isn't always neat and tidy, it IS the best years of my life and I will hold on to them for as long as I possibly can.

All that being said.... I would still prefer it if you would call first. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Blog: Take 2

I'm about to do something that I will probably never do again. I am going to post my second blog of the day! Since today is Mother's Day I'm allowed. My first, was a letter to my mom. The second is about being a mom. Two totally different things and both very worthy of blogging about. So here it goes... Mother's Day Blog #2

This morning I was greeted by two very excited little girls, bringing me breakfast in bed. They had been planning it for weeks. Ama helped them make me my favorite morning meal and they walked into my room, carefully balancing the tray, with giant grins plastered on their beautiful little faces. On the tray I found a bowl of oatmeal, a bottle of water, a gift bag, and 2 handmade cards. The first card was from Kennedy, my soon to be 10 year old daughter. She has so many qualities that I love and admire. She is generous, kind, and always happy. She cares so much about people and she is always trying to please. Here is the card Kennedy made for me...

Sweet, isn't it? That's my Kennedy. I love her so much.

Next, I read the card that Kaja, my 7 year old daughter made for me. Kaja was the baby of the family up until 9 months ago. She is the one that keeps us all laughing. She is fun, spirited, sassy, and a natural leader. I love how fearless she is. I never had the confidence that Kaja has when I was a little girl but I wish I had. She's quite a girl! Here is the card Kaja made for me:

In case you don't know how to interpret 7 year old handwriting, allow me:
Dear Mother,
I've loved you since the day I was born.
When you're here, I'm happy but when you're not, I'm sad.
It is hard when you boss and boss and boss and boss and boss and boss and boss
and boss me around but I love you anyways.

This letter is classic Kaja. When I read that little first grade note, knowing that without a doubt she meant every single word of it, I couldn't help but laugh. In fact, I laughed and laughed until I cried. This one is definitely going in my memory box!

My 4 children are alike in so many ways but they are also very unique. Each one with their own distinct personalities help to make our family what it is. I wouldn't want Kaja to act like Kennedy or Kennedy to act like Kaja. I wouldn't want Kade to be anything other than Kade or Kenzington to be anything other than her precious little self. I love them for who they are. They aren't perfect. They make mistakes. They need direction and even discipline but they're mine and I love them.

There have been times in my life when I thought God might wish I was more like one of my brothers or sisters. Times when I've felt like a disappointment. I thought He compared me to His other children and secretly liked them better. When I became a parent to multiple children I learned something about the heart of my Father. I learned that He loves me for me just like I love Kaja for Kaja and Kennedy for Kennedy. It's unconditional. When I speak my mind, He isn't shocked. He knows my thoughts. He feels proud of me. He thinks I'm unique and beautiful and funny. He loves me more than I love my own children. That's a beautiful thing!

Dear Mom,

When I think back on my childhood this is what I remember:

I remember watching you put your makeup on and thinking that you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I remember hearing you sing in the car and believing with my whole heart that your voice was just like an angel.

I remember the smell you had when you would come home from a trip. (Looking back, I think it might have been cigarette smoke but I remember loving it!)

I remember how you would cuddle me when I would climb in your bed in the middle of the night.

I remember the way you would play with my hair when I would lie on your lap during church.

I remember how you would take care of me when I was sick.

I remember missing you when you had only gone to the store.

I remember how good you were at sounding happy when you would answer the phone (even if I knew you really weren’t)

I remember you waking me up for school and telling me to hurry up and get dressed because you had a surprise for me. When I would get downstairs you would tell me that the surprise was that I didn’t have to go to school. Instead, we would go shopping together.

I remember how clean the house always was and how calm you always seemed.

I remember how proud I felt when you would show up in my classroom and all the kids would look at me with stars in their eyes and say, “Is that your Mom?”

I remember you teaching me how to walk in high heels.

I remember seeing your motherly instincts kick into high gear when my PE teacher wouldn’t let me get a Kleenex during gym class.

I remember the way you would always forget that we were supposed to be grounded.

I remember hearing you laugh a lot.

I remember when your jaw got locked while we were watching a very moving episode of “Little House On the Prairie”

I remember how you would manipulate me to scratch your back by telling me that you heard I was the best at it.

I remember the confidence I felt inside when I would overhear you telling a friend on the phone how amazing I was at something I had done.

I remember how easy it was for me to convince you that I was too sick to go to school.

I remember how when I couldn’t find anything to wear you flew me to London to get clothes at Harrods.

So many memories from so long ago, but some things never change.

I still think you’re beautiful. You still take care of me when I’m sick. You still pretend to be happy when you answer the phone. I still miss you when you go to the store. We still go shopping together. You still try to get me to call in sick. You still laugh a lot and every once in a while I still hear you talking about how great I am to someone on the other end of the phone. I couldn’t imagine having a better Mom than you. You are my best friend.

I couldn’t end this letter without reminding you who else you’re creating memories for. You have given my 4 children something that I never had….an Ama. An Ama is so much better than a Grandma. An Ama pulls the cushions off of the couch and has slumber parties with you. An Ama takes care of you when you’re sick. An Ama thinks you are the smartest, funniest & cutest kid on the planet. An Ama makes sure you are wearing the coolest fashions. An Ama becomes obsessed with buying whatever you are collecting. An Ama cries when you have had a hard day at school. An Ama never comes back from a trip without presents for you. An Ama makes sure you are eating vegetables and taking vitamins. An Ama schedules your flu shot and then buys you a present for being so brave. An Ama makes you goody bags before a long car trip. There is nothing in this world like an Ama. You have become one of the most important people in this entire world to four precious little ones. To Kade, Kennedy, Kaja, and Kenzington you cannot be replaced.

Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Free Samples

I have a confession to make. When Todd and I first got married, we used to go to Sam's Club every week on our day off and eat lunch on the samples. Money was tight and you can't get much cheaper than free. I'm not sure why but I felt like I needed to act super interested in whatever the item was I happened to be tasting. I would say things like, "Ooh, what's this?" The sample lady would roll her eyes and give me her rehearsed spiel about the 'all white meat chicken nugget that I could cook in the oven, microwave, or deep fryer' and then she would set it on top of a little white napkin and nudge it in my direction . For some reason I always felt like I needed to take the first bite in her presence so she could see my initial reaction. Whether I liked it or not, I would make groaning noises like it was the very best thing I had ever put into my mouth. Then I would quickly make my exit calling out to Todd, "Honey, we should buy these sometime!"

My local grocery store has sample people now too. They're different than the Sam's Club samplers though. I think these people must own stock in the products they're sampling. They are passionate and they know their stuff! Sometimes I buy things that I don't really like because I don't want to hurt the samplers feelings. It's just easier to put the item in my cart than to see their sad little faces when I walk away. But most of the time I buy stuff from them because they convince me that it's the best. They tell me all of the amazing things I can make with the product. They tell me exactly how to use it, what they've personally made with it, and how much they love it. I usually can't wait to get the product home so I can tell my family how much better our lives are going to be because of this amazing new marinade or dip or jelly.

Passion, excitement, knowledge, personal testimony and instruction makes all the difference. When someone really believes in something and is genuinely excited about it... you just naturally want in on it. When you can see it "working" in their lives, you want it to be a part of your life.

What are you passionate about? Are you giving out samples? Are people buying it?