Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Blog: Take 2

I'm about to do something that I will probably never do again. I am going to post my second blog of the day! Since today is Mother's Day I'm allowed. My first, was a letter to my mom. The second is about being a mom. Two totally different things and both very worthy of blogging about. So here it goes... Mother's Day Blog #2

This morning I was greeted by two very excited little girls, bringing me breakfast in bed. They had been planning it for weeks. Ama helped them make me my favorite morning meal and they walked into my room, carefully balancing the tray, with giant grins plastered on their beautiful little faces. On the tray I found a bowl of oatmeal, a bottle of water, a gift bag, and 2 handmade cards. The first card was from Kennedy, my soon to be 10 year old daughter. She has so many qualities that I love and admire. She is generous, kind, and always happy. She cares so much about people and she is always trying to please. Here is the card Kennedy made for me...

Sweet, isn't it? That's my Kennedy. I love her so much.

Next, I read the card that Kaja, my 7 year old daughter made for me. Kaja was the baby of the family up until 9 months ago. She is the one that keeps us all laughing. She is fun, spirited, sassy, and a natural leader. I love how fearless she is. I never had the confidence that Kaja has when I was a little girl but I wish I had. She's quite a girl! Here is the card Kaja made for me:

In case you don't know how to interpret 7 year old handwriting, allow me:
Dear Mother,
I've loved you since the day I was born.
When you're here, I'm happy but when you're not, I'm sad.
It is hard when you boss and boss and boss and boss and boss and boss and boss
and boss me around but I love you anyways.

This letter is classic Kaja. When I read that little first grade note, knowing that without a doubt she meant every single word of it, I couldn't help but laugh. In fact, I laughed and laughed until I cried. This one is definitely going in my memory box!

My 4 children are alike in so many ways but they are also very unique. Each one with their own distinct personalities help to make our family what it is. I wouldn't want Kaja to act like Kennedy or Kennedy to act like Kaja. I wouldn't want Kade to be anything other than Kade or Kenzington to be anything other than her precious little self. I love them for who they are. They aren't perfect. They make mistakes. They need direction and even discipline but they're mine and I love them.

There have been times in my life when I thought God might wish I was more like one of my brothers or sisters. Times when I've felt like a disappointment. I thought He compared me to His other children and secretly liked them better. When I became a parent to multiple children I learned something about the heart of my Father. I learned that He loves me for me just like I love Kaja for Kaja and Kennedy for Kennedy. It's unconditional. When I speak my mind, He isn't shocked. He knows my thoughts. He feels proud of me. He thinks I'm unique and beautiful and funny. He loves me more than I love my own children. That's a beautiful thing!

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